The objective of the COPA Scholar Program, inaugurated by the Community of Owe People Abroad (COPA), is to visibly promote academic excellence and high standards of academic achievement by Owe people through the award of undergraduate scholarships.

The COPA Scholar Program inaugurated by the Community of Owe People Abroad (COPA) will award a scholarship in the amount of two hundred thousand naira (₦ 200,000) per year, each to Owe descendants in their undergraduate studies at any accredited Nigerian public (State and Federal) university. The course of study at the university of choice must be accredited by the relevant authorities, such as the National University Commission. Students of the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) who are not campus-based are not eligible. The maximum duration of the awards is four academic years, during which each awardee will be required to execute a community service program in any part of Oweland.

I. Application Requirements:
a. Applicants must be Owe descendants.
b. Applicants must be first year undergraduate students in public universities in Nigeria.
c. Applicants must have a grade of B average or better in the O’ Level Examination or equivalent examinations, based on six subjects and in one sitting.
d. Applicants must have attended a secondary school or equivalent in Kogi State.

II. Application Preparation
Applicants must submit a two-page, single space, 10 font computer-typed essay addressing the following topics :
a. Academic qualifications, awards received in the past and involvement in progressive Owe community activities .
b. Course of study and anticipated career goals.
c. Proposed community service that will be performed by applicant in Oweland if awarded the scholarship.
d. The financial strength of the parents indicating whether or not they are employed, self-employed, assets such as houses, businesses, approximate annual income, family size and existing educational commitments.
e. A brief student life history including the level of educational attainment of the immediate family, whether applicant is a first, second undergraduate student in the family.
The following items are also required:
f. Three letters of recommendation from (a) Former School Principal, (b) The Head of Department or a lecturer of the rank of Senior Lecturer or higher in the university department or faculty of study, (c) A known personality resident in Oweland. The letters should include information such as how long the recommender has known the applicant, academic performance, character and prospect of becoming a scholar and a valuable member of the Owe community.
f. A clean photocopy of authentic relevant examination results.

Application Open Date: July 1.
COPA Scholar Selection Committee begins to accept proposals for the following academic year

Application Closing Date: August 30.
Prospective applicants can only submit applications within this window (July 1-August 30).

Communication of Decision: November 1- December 15th.
Beginning November 1st, and not later than Dec. 15th, decisions are sent out to all applicants.

Applications containing an essay of more than two computer typed pages will be rejected.
All applications to be sent to:

Under unique circumstance beyond the control of the applicants, e.g. disrupted academic calendars due to ASSUU strike, application submission windows may be revised

III. The COPA Scholar Selection Committee (CSSC)
The COPA Scholar Selection Committee will comprise of five Owe descendants, of which at least two must be female(s) and at least one of the members must be permanently resident in Oweland. The COPA Executive Council will constitute the committee and appoint the Chairperson. The COPA Scholar Selection Committee members will be given a term of three years and renewable for a total of six years. For reasons of incompetence, poor performance, inactivity, and other disabilities or behaviors, attitudes, dispositions, etc., that have the potential to undermine the unity of Owe people, members of the committee may be replaced by the COPA Executive Council on the recommendation of the Chairperson of the (COPA) Homeland Development Committee. An honorarium, though modest, will be given yearly to the members (of CSSC). After the receipt of the applications, the CSSC Chairperson will call a meeting of the committee to recommend the applicants for award consideration. The selected candidates should be ranked and a report elaborating on the decision should be prepared. The list of all applications should be included in the report to be sent to the President of COPA and Chairperson of Homeland Development Committee no later than 15th day of the month of October. It would be very useful to COPA for the committee to summarize in a sentence or two the reason(s) why a particular candidate is not recommended for award. The COPA Executive Council will announce and grant the award not (no) later than (the first day of the month of December 15.

IV Requirements for Continuation of Awards
a. An awardee is required to maintain a grade of B or better or equivalent GPA in all courses taken during an academic year. A request for continuation of award will be considered after the receipt of a statement of results (of the academic year) prepared and signed by the student’s Head of Department to the Chairman of the Homeland Development Committee. Deadline for submission of continuation of award applications is August 30. Under unique circumstance beyond the control of the applicants, e.g. disrupted academic calendars due to ASSUU strike, application submission windows may be revised
b. An awardee must find time during the holidays to execute the mandatory community service, for which a report of not more than one page countersigned by any of the COPA Selection Committee must be submitted to the Chairperson of the Homeland Community Committee.
c. An awardee must be of the best character. Involvement in any criminal acts and and/or socially unacceptable activities are grounds for discontinuation of awards.

The (COPA) Homeland Development Committee will review items (a-c) above and make a recommendation of continuation or otherwise to COPA Executive Council. The decisions will be communicated to the applicant before the beginning of the academic year.

Submit Scholarship Application